The corridors that run along the Italian network are the following:
- Rhine - Alpine corridor, from the Swiss border to Genova via Milan and Novara.
- Scandinavian - Mediterranean corridor, from the Austrian border (Brenner pass) to Sicily, via Bologna, Rome and Naples.
- Mediterranean corridor, from the French border to the Slovenian border, via Turin, Milan, Verona, Venice and Trieste.
- Baltic - Adriatic corridor, starting at Ravenna and northbound to Venice and the Slovenian and Austrian borders.
Infrastructure Managers
Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) is the Italian company in charge of the management of the Italian Rail Network. This network has a part which belongs to the Core Network Corridors, including over 5,000 km.
It is a subsidiary of Ferrovie dello Stato (FS). RFI is Italy's railway network owner and provides signalling, maintenance and other services to the railway network. It also operates rail ferries between the Italian Peninsula and Sicily.
Information regarding the Italian network and its features can be found at:
All technical requirements and specifications are also available in relation to ERTMS/ETCS on the Italian rail network:
- Technical documents - ERTMS (Italian only)
National implementation plan
The Italian National Implementation Plan (NIP) was delivered in 2017. It is compliant with the ERTMS European Deployment Plan with some exceptions, such as the Milano area or the Firenze area.
According to the Italian NIP:
- The network will have mixed ERTMS levels, some lines will be equipped with ERTMS Level 1, such as some conventional lines, depending on existing signalling systems, and others with ERTMS Level 2, such as the high-speed lines.
- Italy will begin a gradual removal of the SCMT system on the conventional network in 2026. For sections to be equipped after 2026, Class B on the Florence - Arezzo section that belongs to the Florence-Rome high-speed line was decommissioned, and this line is currently ERTMS-only.
National Implementation Plans (NIP) country by country
National Safety Authority
The ANSF - Agenzia Nazionale per la Sicurezza delle Ferrovie (Italian National Railway Safety Agency) is the actor responsible for rail safety policy in Italy, under the supervision of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Its main competencies are the verification of the application of safety regulations, authorisations and validation of homologations, as well as issuing safety certifications for railway undertakings.