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Mobility and Transport

Mentoring Program

by the Spanish Aviation Safety and Security Agency (AESA)


Balance4AESA (AESA’s women association) started as an initiative of a group of volunteers (mostly aeronautical engineers) who detected the need to reduce the gap gender in AESA (Spanish Safety and Security Aviation Agency).

The mentoring program is one of the strategic work lines to increase the participation of women and to achieve more gender equality in leadership positions, the best way improve production and efficiency.

A pilot program was launched in June 2019 and it will last a year. The program is scheduled in 10-12 sessions for each mentor-mentee pair and it includes training and counselling during the process. As the program was created from scratch, a key element was to develop mentor’s skills so the mentees would fully benefit from the process. Line managers are involved in the mentoring program as they participate in the definition of the mentee’s action plan.


Contact: Women [dot] aesaatseguridadaerea [dot] es (Women[dot]aesa[at]seguridadaerea[dot]es)