Code of Conduct against sexual harassment
by Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
The Code of Conduct against sexual harassment, prepared by the National Equal Opportunities Committee in May 2016, has been endorsed by Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane in December 2016.
To implement the Code, the role of Personal Counsellor was created in December 2019. The Counsellor provides professional advice and assistance to employees who believe that they have been sexually harassed. The Counsellor has specific expertise in sexual harassment as the requisites for the function include, among other things, participation in a specialised course.
Whenever harassment took place, the Counsellor takes steps to resolve the issue. He/she provides listening and psychological support to the victim. He/she interviews the perpetrator of the alleged harassment to gather information which allows him/her to evaluate the case at hand and the surrounding context. Then, he/she proposes solutions to the parties and/or to the managers of the Department to put an end to the behaviour and to prevent a new occurence. In the less serious cases, the Counsellor proposes that the parties come to a solution.
This procedure is without prejudice to formal proceedings involving disciplinary penalties on the basis of the collective agreement and of legal action.
There are also measures discouraging behaviours conflicting with the Code. These are:
- information/training/distribution of the Code for new hires;
- internal communication and information campaigns through all the available channels, including social media;
- targeted training for all employees and for the Department Managers.
- A monitoring is planned after 3 years to check the effectiveness of the Code and any necessary amendments/additions.
- Mr. Alberto Mazzola, Senior Vice President, International Government Affairs, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. (a [dot] mazzolafsitaliane [dot] it (a[dot]mazzola[at]fsitaliane[dot]it))
- Ms. Antonella Sciola, Legal Advisor, Institutional and Regulatory Affairs, Ferrovie Dello Stato Italiane (a [dot] sciolafsitaliane [dot] it (a[dot]sciola[at]fsitaliane[dot]it))