‘Leading women in the transport sector’ seminar
by Madrid’s Bar Association
Madrid’s Bar Association maritime and transport law section and the aeronautical and space law section have scheduled, for 25 June 2020, the joint seminar ‘Women leaders in the transport sector’, having invited women in key management positions (CEO and associations’ presidents) related to the transport sector. By transport sector we understand air, road, maritime and rail.
Just as in other parts of the EU key positions in this sector have traditionally been fulfil by engineers, generally men. Although this reality is changing, we deem positive to provide more visibility to these women.
During the action we will provide key information about the number of women in the transport sector and women in key management positions.
After that, we will introduce the leading women participating in the seminar, as an example of changes in a sector traditionally lacking gender balance, especially on top management positions.
During this seminar leading women of the transport sector (rail, road, air and maritime) will talk about their personal experiences, and what measures could be implemented to increase the number of women in the transport sector, and what new perspectives women could bring to this sector.
The seminar is timely as Spain is currently in full liberalisation process of the rail sector and many women fulfil key positions (among operators and the infrastructure public agency).
This event could be part of the ‘Women in Transport Talks’ organised under the umbrella of the Women in Transport- EU Platform for Change.
Contact: Guillermo ALCANTARA, Head of Rail Sector – Transport and Maritime Law Section – Madrid’s Bar Association
Video: 25.06.20 Sccs. Aeronáutico y Transporte: "Mujeres Líderes en el Transporte Fomentando la Igualdad"