Mapping, teaching, raising awareness on gender equality in the Transport sector, A University-based approach
by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Being located in two of the most prosperous provinces in Italy, and in one of the world’s most renowned district for mechanics and mechatronics, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - UNIMORE promotes the MANTRA Project: Mapping, teaching, raising awareness on gender equality in the Transport sector, a University-based approach delivering a set of activities to better address and improve gender issues in the Transport sector.
The overall objective of the initiative is to offer and promote an approach that overcomes the gender stereotypes that traditionally permeate through the sector of transport, as a male’s domain. The proposed action aims at:
- monitoring female and male participation in the university programs, at all levels, related to the automotive and engineering sectors, including the courses in education (training of trainers);
- organising a dedicated Winter School in the framework of the Emilia-Romagna Region High Education Initiative, focusing on transport and gender equality, with the aim of increasing gender equality in the Automotive Master Degree Courses;
- organising and monitoring raising awareness activities, both inside the university and at local and regional level.
Main benefits from the three planned activities will be:
- in the short term, a structured and updated database - which will help to better plan the university activities in terms of gender equality;
- in the middle and long term, targeted and effective raising awareness activities and a better balance in the career pathways.