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Mobility and Transport

Women in Motion

by Ferrovie Dello Stato Italiane


Women in Motion (WIM) is an ongoing project since 2016, designed by Ferrovie Dello Stato Italiane (FS Italiane - an Italian railways company), to increase the presence of women (only 15% overall at the time) in traditionally male areas such as technical ones (e.g. maintenance, infrastructure, etc.). WIM is aimed both at women who work for the Company, improving their working conditions, and at young women and girls who are still students, and who are about to choose their future education and professional path.

The root of the gender problem is often a cultural issue: only 20% of girls choose a technical school and a university faculty in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Our Human Resources professionals and our WIM mentors (female employees and top executives with a technical job) meet girls in Secondary schools and young women in High schools all over Italy, answering their doubts, stimulating their curiosity, inspiring them, empowering them to pursue their dreams, to express their talent and full potential, fighting against stereotypes in STEM education and careers. We want to encourage young women to choose education relevant to the transport sector and we want to attract them towards FS Italiane.

In order to build a "women friendly" brand, WIM ensures a continuity of contact and involvement of the girls through a social community on Facebook and a Website. The management of the FS Italiane Group also gives interviews on this theme and participates in conferences, events and side promotion projects to improve gender balance in the Company. FS Italiane, thanks also to its Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) strategies and multiple projects, together with a better awareness generated at a social level on the subject of female employment, is gradually increasing the percentage of women within the Group, recording a 16% of female presence overall in 2018.of the female workforce.


EU affairs:

  • Mr. Alberto Mazzola, Senior Vice President, International Government Affairs, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. (a [dot] mazzolaatfsitaliane [dot] it (a[dot]mazzola[at]fsitaliane[dot]it))
  • Ms. Antonella Sciola, Legal Advisor, Institutional and Regulatory Affairs, Ferrovie Dello Stato Italiane (a [dot] sciolaatfsitaliane [dot] it (a[dot]sciola[at]fsitaliane[dot]it))

For clarifications about WIM:

  • Ms.Teresa Casiello, Senior Project Manager D&I, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. (t [dot] casielloatfsitaliane [dot] it (t[dot]casiello[at]fsitaliane[dot]it))
  • Ms. Elisabetta Morabito, Junior Project Manager D&I, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. (e [dot] morabitoatfsitaliane [dot] it (e[dot]morabito[at]fsitaliane[dot]it))