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Mobility and Transport

'Women in Transport Talk' for the aviation sector in Germany

by Lintener European Aviation Consultancy

The Women in Transport Talk, in support of the Women in Transport – EU Platform for change, has the objective to promote the ‘EU Declaration on equal opportunities for women and men in the transport sector’ in the aviation sector in Germany. The aim is to promote and execute the goals of the EU Women in Transport – EU Platform for change, to give women visibility, to foster knowledge exchange and to provide them with networking opportunities in the context of the platform.

The end objective will hereby also aim to improve the number of women in the aviation sector and their representation at all working levels as well as to promote aviation & aerospace as an attractive field for women to work in, particularly in this time of deep transformation driven by digitalisation, automation, innovation, transformation of business models and sustainability.

The target group of the action are women working in the aviation sector as well as all decision makers and multipliers for the airline industry. The goal is to raise awareness, gain buy-in, initiate and execute dedicated activities as well as to provide a forum for ‘women in aviation’ in Germany. Special focus will be also given to the issues of talent management, the encouragement and promotion for young females to join the industry, including promoting education related to STEM for girls and young women.

The kick-off event of the Women in Transport Talk, planned as co-hosted with the non-for-profit global International Aviation Womens Association (IAWA), will take place on 4 September 2020 in Frankfurt M. /Germany. Complementing activities and flexible formats will take place in the course of the year.

Contact: infoatlintener [dot] com (info[at]lintener[dot]com); infoatiawa [dot] org (info[at]iawa[dot]org)


  • 20 JULY 2021