With only 22% of women, the transport sector is not gender balanced. The objective of the Women in Transport - EU Platform for change (hereafter the Platform), launched on 27 November 2017, is to strengthen women's employment and equal opportunities for women and men in the transport sector thanks to the actions brought about by the Platform members. It will also serve as a forum to discuss and exchange good practices.
- Declaration to ensure equal opportunities for women and men in the transport sector
- Sign the Declaration
List of signatories:
- 836 employees, Ferrovie dello stato italiane, Italy
- Aceto, Francesca. President SNCF au Féminin (women network) SNCF
- Adrian, Philip. CEO Multi Pilot Simulatio, Netherlands
- Alcantara, Guillermo. Head of Rail sector - Transport and Maritime Law Section at Madrid´s Bar Association joining as an individual, Spain
- Alegre, Sónia. Board Member TML - Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa, EMT S.A., Portugal
- Ambroziak, Magda. Vice President of the cng.auto.pl, Green Fuel Foundation for development alternative fuels CNG, LNG Foundation Green Fuel, cng.auto.pl, Poland
- Anderluh, Lisa. Mobility and Gender Expert Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology
- Andersson, Emanuela. Data Protection Coordinator Trafikverksskolan, Sweden
- Andersson, Linn. Communicator Trafikverket - Trafikverksskolan, Sweden
- Angell-Hansen, Bente. President, EFTA Surveillance Authority EFTA Surveillance Authority
- Angelo, Silvia. Member of the Board ÖBB Infrastruktur AG, Austria
- Anic Jevtic, Slavica. Ethics Officer Srbija voz JSC, Serbia
- Annalisa, Daverio. Responsabile Sistema Gestione Sicurezza BLSCI, Italy
- Antāne, Inga. President Baltic Association-Transport and Logistics
- Avanzata, Thomas. UITP Director of the European Department UITP
- Axisa, Jeannette. Chief Officer Authority for Transport in Malta
- Ayala Sender, Ines. Member Of The European Parliament, Spain
- Ayres, Sandra. Managing Director Euroatla Navegacao e Transitos, Lda., Portugal
- Balcaen, Nathalie. Adminstrator-General Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services, Belgium
- Barahona, Cristina. HSEQ Manager LA SEPULVEDANA, Spain
- Barbadillo Lopez, Rafael. President Spanish Confederation Of Transportation By Bus (CONFEBUS)
- Basset, Christiane. vice présidente UNAF
- Batut, Laure. Member EESC
- Beckers, Dirk. Director Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)
- Bento, Barbara. Project Officer UIRR
- Bianchy, Mylene. President Syprolux, Luxembourg
- Blache, Chris. Project Manager GENRE ET VILLE
- Dr. Bojović, Nebojša. FTTE - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
- Borghini M, Carlo. Executive Director SHIFT2RAIL JU
- Bortolussi, Anna. Head of Marketing and Sales Know CE SpA, Italy
- Botella, Patricia. CTO IntercityBus Lanzarote, Spain
- Bottini, Giovanni Massimo. Legal Representative Systematica S.r.l.
- Brady, Fiona. Senior Operations Manager, Ireland mytaxi, Ireland
- Brassell, Iain. Director ISR Recruitment Ltd
- Brennan, Eamonn. Director General EUROCONTROL, Belgium
- Brown, Staynton. Director D&I and Talent Transport for London, United Kingdom
- Bulc, Violeta. EU Commissioner for Transport European Commission
- Burzio, Samuela. President, France
- Busschots, Marleen. Expert Human Resources HR Rail
- Busto, Teresa. President of the association Women Fly High (Ellas vuelan alto, EVA), Spain
- Caetano, João. President of Board IMT - Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, IP, Portugal
- Caldana, Ester. Policy Adviser - EU Institutions and Social affairs CER
- Calvo Diez, Luis Manuel. General Manager Estacionamientos y Servicios Sau (Eysa), Spain
- Cañadas, Xavier. Gerente Transportes Urbanos De Sabadell, Spain
- Capote Puerto, Elisa. CEO y Directora de los Centros Educativos de Formación Profesional DAC Docencia, Spain
- Caraman, Dan. General Manager Integral Consulting R&D, Romania
- Celauroa, Clara. Professor (PhD) Università degli Studi di Palermo
- Cerqueira, Sandra. CEO and Board Member Transportes Urbanos de Braga, E.M. (TUB), Portugal
- Clarke, Charleen. Editorial director FOCUS on Transport & Logistics, Germany
- Mrs Cortes, Amanda. ADIF (Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias), Spain
- Costa, Francisco. Managing Director Plink Support Services (PLINK), Portugal
- Costache, Carmen-Mariana. President UNION OF ROMANIAN INLAND PORTS, Romania
- Costas, Bogdan. Director General Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration ROMATSA, DANUBE FAB Partner, Romania
- Coulet, Myriam. Force Ouvrière, France
- Covili, Barbara. General Manager mytaxi Italia
- Coyne, Ray. CEO, Bus Atha Cliath - Dublin Bus Bus Atha Cliath - Dublin Bus, Ireland
- Dani, Eglantina. Transport Engineer FACTUAL, Spain
- Dassis, Georges. President European Economic ad Social Committee
- De La Roza Braga, Ovidio. Presidente de la CETM Confederación Española De Transporte De Mercancías (CETM), Spain
- de Meeûs, Brieuc. CEO Société des Transports Intercommunaux Bruxellois (STIB), Belgium
- De Mora-Figueroa Urdiales, Maria Victoria. General Secretary Spanish Confederation Of Transportation By Bus (Confebus)
- De Smet, Sam. Co-founder OTIV, Belgium
- De Velasco Calvo-Flores, Vanesa. Pilot ECA, Aviadoras AEP
- Delli, Karima. Chair of TRAN Committee European Parliament
- Di Monte, Andres. Legale Rappresentante TX Logistik Transalpine GmbH - Sede secondaria italiana, Italy
- Di Monte, Andres. Legale Rappresentante TX Logistik Transalpine GmbH - Sede secondaria italiana, Italy
- Diaz Calderon, Anabel. Regional General Manager for Rides in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Uber, Netherlands
- Dickson, Jenna. Training Manager CK Contracts Ltd
- Diepens, Johan. CEO Mobycon bv, Netherlands
- Dionelis, Kallistratos. Secretary-General ASECAP – Association Européenne des Concessionnaires d'Autoroutes et d'ouvrages à Péage
- Domingues Dos Santos, Vitor. Chairman Of The Board Of Directors Metropolitano de Lisboa, E.P.E., Portugal
- Dominguez Cobos, Regina. Managing Director Benito S Dominguez Bsd Sl, Spain
- Dr. Domschitz, Gabriele. Wiener Stadtwerke GmbH, Austria
- Donnelly, Martin. President of Boeing Europe Boeing International, United Kingdom
- Doppelbauer, Josef. Executive Director ERA
- Dorsman, Martin. Secretary General ECSA
- Dr. Hann, Michael. Managing Director Human Resources DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, Germany
- DSilva, ElsaMarie. Founder & CEO Red Dot Foundation, India
- Duarte Ferreira, Filipa. Manager Fertagus, Travessia do Tejo Transportes SA, Portugal
- Dunham, Susie. Sustrans
- Elezi, Eneida. Foreign Affairs Responsible officer/Managing Complains Albanian Railways, Albania
- Engström, Rikard. Managing Director, PhD The Swedish Shipowners' Association, SSA, Sweden
- Eringa, Pier. CEO ProRail, Netherlands
- Esteban Bernardo, Juan Antonio. Human Resources Director ALSA, Spain
- Farandou, Jean-Pierre. CEO KEOLIS, France
- Faucher, Claude. Délégué Général Union des Transports Publics et ferroviaires (UTP), France
- Fernández, Miguel Ángel. Presidente Del Consejo De Administración Huelva Área Logística Integral S.L., Spain
- Fernandez Heredia, Alvaro. Director Gerente Empresa Municipal De Transportes De Madrid (Emt), Spain
- Fernández Martialay, Paola. Human Resources Director Grupo Interbus, Spain
- Frigolet, Rocío. Secretaría General de ATUC ATUC (Asociación de Transportes Públicos Urbanos y Metropolitanos), Spain
- Frost, Jens Kristian. CEO Center Air Pilot Academy, Denmark
- Gantchev, Evgueniy. Executive Director Stolichen elektrotransport EAD
- García de Miguel, Juan Ignacio. CEO Arriva Spain Holding Arriva Spain Holding, Spain
- García Fraile, Juan Jesús. President of ALE Autonomous Train Drivers‘ Unions of Europe (A.L.E.), Spain
- García-Trespalacios, Pablo. National Vicepresident, President región of Andalucía UNAUTO VTC, Spain
- Gewessler, Leonore. Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (since 2020), Austria
- Ghilardi, Mauro. Group Chief HR Officer (till 2017) Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Italy
- Giovanna, Carrara. Avvocato Nella Dirigenza Personale Associazione Trasporti, Italy
- Gómez Piña, Juán. Director General Autocares Mallorca S.L., Arriva Galicia S.L., Arriva Metropolitana S.L., Autos Carballo S.L., Bus Nord Balear S.L. and Estación De Autobuses De Ferrol S.A., Spain
- Gomez-Pineda, Ana. Airport Assistant Director IATA (International Air Transport Association)
- Gosalvez Mayordomo, Begoña. Organization and People Director Aena, Spain
- Grau, Barbara. Head of European and International HR Affairs SNCF, France
- Guillermet, Florian. Executive Director SESAR Joint Undertaking
- Guillouard, Catherine. Chairwoman and CEO RATP REGIE AUTONOME DES TRANSPORTS PARISIENS, France
- Mag.a Haberzeth, Verena. Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria
- Dipl.-Ing. Haller, Gabriel. RTA Rail Tec Arsenal
- Harte, Norman. Equality and Diversity officer Iarnród Éireann/Irish Rail, Ireland
- Hasanbelli, Elona. Railway Safety Manager - HSE Responsible TX Logistik Transalpine GmbH - Sede secondaria italiana, Italy
- Hasenbichler, Hans-Peter. Managing Director Via Donau
- Heiming, Monika. Executive Director Association of European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM aisbl), Belgium
- Herrero, Jesís. Secretary-General ATUC (Spanish Association of Urban Transport Operators)
- Höbarth, Ingmar. Managing Director Klima- und Energiefonds
- Hofer, Norbert. Federal Minister for Transport Innovation and Technology (2017-2019), Austria
- Jean Coulon, Pierre. President TEN Section European Economic and Social Committee
- Jim, Meade. Chief Executive Officer Iarnród Éireann/Irish Rail, Ireland
- Jurimae, Tiit. Interim Executive Director Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking
- Kalitovics Nóbrega, Jacobo. CEO TITSA (Transportes Interurbanos de Tenerife, S.A.)
- Mag. Kapsch, Georg. CEO Kapsch AG
- Karipidis, Theodoros. CEO LEVER S.A., Greece
- Kavanagh, Vivienne. Employee Development and Equality Executive Dublin Bus
- Kellershohn, Willi. Spedition Kellershohn GmbH & Co KG
- Kerdjoudj-Belkaid, Lamia. Secretary General FEPORT
- Kesteloot, Roger. CEO Vlaamse Vervoermaatschappij - De Lijn, Belgium
- King, Andrew. Managing Director CK Contracts Ltd
- Ing. Mag. Klacska, Alexander. Paul KLACSKA GmbH
- Ing. Mag. Klacska, Alexander. WKÖ - Bundessparte Transport und Verkehr
- Koscik, Andrzej. President National Maritime Section NSZZ Solidarnosc, Poland
- Dr. Krajcsir, Martin. Wiener Stadtwerke GmbH, Austria
- Krasowska, Olga. Manager Air Operations, European Business Aviation Association
- Krtek, Pavel. CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors Ceske drahy a.s. (Czech railways)
- Kürzl, Claudia. ÖBB Holding European and International Affairs Manager, Austrian Federal Railways - ÖBB Holding
- Ky, Patrick. Executive Director European Aviation Safety Agency
- Laborda, Josep. CEO & Managing Partner FACTUAL, Spain
- Lallemand, Luc. CEO Infrabel, Belgium
- Landgren, Mattias. State Secretary Swedish Ministry for Infrastructure
- Leal-Casado, Miguel Ángel. President Federación Española del Taxi (FEDETAXI), Spain
- Leemans, Anne. Secretary-General Yellow Design Foundation
- Leichtfried, Jörg. Federal Minister for Transport for Innovation and Technology (2016-2017), Austria
- Lekka, Anna Maria. Director GATES, Greece
- Leva, Maria Chiara. Lecturer Human Factors for Safety in Transport Technological University Dublin
- Lintener, Marita. Managing Director Lintener (European Aviation consultancy), Germany
- Liotopoulos, Fotios. General Manager F.K. LIOTOPOULOS & SIA, E.E. ("SBOING"), Greece
- List, Helmut. CEO AVL
- Lochman, Libor. Executive Director Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), Belgium
- López, May. Mobility & Sustainability Advaisor. Co-Founder Bewego Bewego, Spain
- López, Xavier. Corporate & Operations Managing Director Fundació Eurecat, Spain
- Lord, David. Regional Director Regulatory Affairs FlightSafety International, United Kingdom
- Maedge, Matthias. General Delegate IRU Permanent Delegation to the EU
- Malinowski, Janusz. Prezes Zarządu "Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna" Sp. z o.o.
- Maria, Darmanin Anna. Secretary General European Tugowners Association
- Marie, Agathe. Communications Manager UNIFE
- Marini, Luciana. Architect (Member Cer - Bruxelles) Italferr Spa (Ferrovie Dello Stato Italiane Spa), Italy
- Markovčić, Maja. State Secretary Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia
- Martí, Sílvia. Vice-President Moventis, Spain
- Martins, Loraine. Director of Diversity and Inclusion Network Rail, United Kingdom
- Matthae, Andreas. CEO Austrian Federal Railways - ÖBB Holding
- Maurer, Barbara. President Austrian Institute for Innovation Interchange, Vienna
- McGilloway, Suzanne. Manager HR Service Delivery Bus Eireann, Ireland
- Professor Dr. McQuaid, Ronald. RMCQ
- Medri, Francesco. Executive Vice President Transport & Infrastructure Inspections RINA SERVICES S.p.A.
- Micucci, Sarah. CEO BLS Cargo Italia, Italy
- Mihajlovic, Zorana. DPM, Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, President of the CBGE Coordination body for Gender Equality (CBGE), Serbia
- Dr Molero Prieto, Gemma. AITEC, Spain
- Morabito, Elisabetta. Project Manager Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, Italy
- Moreno Martínez, César. General Manager GRUPO SOCIBUS, Spain
- Morera, Raquel. CEO Cartridges Systems, SLU, Spain
- Miss Muchanga, Leila. LM, Portugal
- Murphy, Verona. President Irish Road Haulage Association (IRHA), Ireland
- Murray, Emma. Meantime Communications
- Mylly, Markku. Executive Director European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), Portugal
- Nilufar, Lebasi. Office & Communications Manager European Union Road Federation -ERF, Belgium
- Norton, Brian. President Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
- Orduñez, Gema. Head of diverstity Renfe, Spain
- O'Shea, Andy. Chairman Aircrew Training Policy Group (ATPG) is a sub-group of EASA's FS.TEC advisory group
- Ourmieres-Widener, Christine. Chief Executive Officer Flybe, United Kingdom
- Panayiotou Theodosiou, Despina. President WISTA International
- Pardo de Vera Posada, Isabel. Presidenta Adif Alta Velocidad, Spain
- Paul, Voicu. Vicemayor With Mayor Prerogatives ALBA IULIA MUNICIPALITY, Romania
- Pauly, Angela. HEAD OF UNIT - COMMUNICATIONS UNIFE - the European Rail Industry
- Dr. Pecharda, Christian. FFG (Austrian Research promotion Agency)
- Peev, Georgi. Director General Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (BULATSA), DANUBE FAB Partner, Bulgaria
- Peterhans, Gilles. Secretary-General UIP – International Union of Wagon Keepers
- Petrou, Petros. Transport Attaché Permanent Representation of Cyprus to the EU
- Pie, Jan. Secretary General AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD)
- Pilides, Natasa. Shipping Deputy Minister to the President, Cyprus
- Piniella Aranda, Juan Jose. Director Gijon Emtusa- Urban Public Transport, Spain
- Pinte, Stanislas. CEO ERTMS Solutions, Belgium
- Prof. Dr. Platz, Tilman. Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim, Germany
- Plimon, Anton. managing Director Austrian Institute of Technology
- Plummer, Paul. CEP Rail Delivery Group
- Pluvinage Nierengarten, Anne. Cheffe du bureau des ressources humaines et des moyens généraux Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire, France
- Prof. Porro, Carlo Adolfo. Rector University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
- Poupart-Lafarge, Henri. Chairman and CEO Alstom, France
- Pozzi, Riccardo. Group Chief HR Officer Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (from 2018), Italy
- Pribyl, Wolfgang. CEO Joanneum Research
- Miss Price, Denise. Developing People No.1 ltd, United Kingdom
- Pros Varela, Carme. CEO Transportes Generales de Olesa, S.A.U. - GRUP TGDX, Spain
- Pulé, Konrad. General Manager Malta Public Transport
- Pulker-Rohrhofer, Doris. member of the board Damen-Logistik-Club (Ladies-Logistics-Club), Austria
- Pulker-Rohrhofer, Doris. Managing Director Port of Vienna, Wiener Hafen Management GmbH, Austria
- Dr. Puz, Ulrich. Managing Director Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH (SCHIG mbH)
- Dr. Reich, Siegfried. Managing Director Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
- Mag. Reinagl, Alexandra. Wiener Linien, Austria
- Rocha, Pedro. Communications Director STCP - Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos do Porto, Portugal
- Rodrigues, Leopoldo. Presidente da Câmara Municipal CMCB - Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco, Portugal
- Rodriguez, Jaime. Director CONFEBUS, Spain
- Rodriguez Gil, Diego. General Manager Transportes Chapin, S.L., Spain
- Rodriguez Gil, Jose. General Manager Globalia Autocares, S.A., Spain
- Roehsler, Maria-Theresia. Managing Director Schienen-Control Gmbh
- Romagosa, Eva. Co-founder and CMO at BusUp, Spain
- Ruiz Moreno, Gregorio. President Grupo Ruiz, Spain
- Russ, Martin. Managing Director AustriaTech GmbH
- Ryckbost, Isabelle. Secretary General ESPO
- Sabín Reina, José María. Director General Empresa De Blas Y Cia (Arriva Madrid), Spain
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Salander, Corinna. University of Stuttgart, Chair for Railway Vehicle Technology, Germany
- Samuels, Remco. CEO EVBox, Netherlands
- Scheel, Eva-Maria. Chairperson (Landesvorsitzende) ADFC Berlin (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club Berlin e.V.)
- Dr. Schierhackl, Klaus. Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft (ASFINAG)
- Schlotzhauer, Gisbert. Member Of Board For Human Resources, Communication, Rolling Stock; Labour Director Bochum-Gelsenkirchener Straßenbahnen Aktiengesellschaft, Germany
- Schönfeld, Sven. Division Manager Logistics Einkaufsbüro Deutscher Eisenhändler, Germany
- Sharma, Madi. Employers Group EESC
- Sheridan, Helen. ATCEUC Air Traffic Controllers European Unions Coordination
- Silva Lopes, Mário Constantino. Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Barcelos Câmara Municipal de Barcelos, Portugal
- Simpon, Julia. Chief of Staff International Airlines Group (IAG)
- Simson, Kadri. Minister Ministry of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure of the Republic of Estonia
- Smet, Marc. CEO Gosselin Group NV, Belgium
- Sommerbauer, Heinz. CEO Austro Control
- Soto Martín, Luis Miguel. Asesora de formación profesional y relaciones institucionales Academia Del Transportista, Spain
- Spyridon, Spyros. Member European Committee of the Regions
- Steinbauer, Günter. Chairman of the Management Board Wiener Lienen GmbH & Co KG
- Štimac Radin, Helena. Director Of The Office For Gender Equality Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, Croatia
- Suarez-Llanos Castromil, Luis. General Manager Vincallo, S.L., Spain
- Tavlaki, Elena. Director SIGNOSIS srl., Belgium
- Ticó Buxados, Enric. President FGC, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain
- Tilling, Cristina. Political secretary for road transport and gender equality ETF
- Mrs Tripodi, Sara. Filt Cgil Monza & Brianza, Italy
- Tromellini, Elisabetta. Head of CSR - Sustainability Department Ferrovie Nord Milano Group, Italy
- Tuppawong, Anunya. Google, United Kingdom
- Van Craeyvelt, Eugeen F.E.. President a.i. of the board of directors Federal Public Service Mobility & transport
- Van Der Jagt, Nicolette. Director General CLECAT
- Van Der Merwe, Amiene. Managing Director The Green Cab
- Van Lancker, Christiaan. President Europese Schippersorganisatie vzw, Belgium
- Van Raemdonck, Aileen. Secretary General European Maritime Pilots' Association (EMPA)
- Vantalon-Korovitch, Gaelle. EU Public Affairs Manager SNCF Fret, France
- Varela Chouciño, Milagros. Deputy Director Transport Unit EFTA Surveillance Authority
- Vaugoin, Victor. Head of Brussels Office ÖBB Austrian Federal Railways
- Veloso, Gil. PhD Instituto de investigação e formação rodoviária, Portugal
- Vitorino, Ana Paula. Chair of the Board Autoridade da Mobilidade e dos Transportes - Mobility and Transport Authority, Portugal
- Vogel, Theresia. Managing Director Klima- und Energiefonds
- von der Ohe, Thomas. CEO and co-founder of Vay, Germany
- Warren, Jill. CEO European Cyclists' Federation, Belgium
- Wasilewski, Andrzej. Członek Zarządu "Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna" Sp. z o.o.
- Watson, Sheila. Deputy Director FIA Foundation, United Kingdom
- DI Weinelt, Peter. Wiener Stadtwerke GmbH, Austria
- BSc MSc Wesp, Lisa. Logistikum – Department of Logistics at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
- Winter, Bernd. Editor in Chief Verlag Holzhausen GmbH
- Witek, Wiesław. Director Public Transport Authority in Warsaw
- Dr. Wolf, Erik. Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Transport & Logistics Division)
- Mag.a Wolf-Eberl, Susanne. Women in Mobility & Energy, Evironment Network, Austria
- Young, Elisabeth. President WAVE WoMen and Vehicles in Europe, France
- Zabaleta Merí, Javier. CEO & Managing Director Packaging, Transport and Logistics Reseach Centre - ITENE, Spain
- Zammataro, Susanna. Executive Director International Road Federation (IRF) Geneva
- Zamora Abadías, Óscar. Director de marketing y responsable del plan de igualdad Salcai Utinsa, S.A. (Global), Spain
- Mag. Zipperer, Karin. Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft (ASFINAG)
Organisations committed to improving female employment in transport come together in this platform and share their actions for equal opportunities. Actions can be very diverse, from very practical ones (e.g. installation of sanitary facilities) to the development of full strategies or action plans. They should be result oriented and will be monitored.
- Application form
- Ongoing projects:
- Setting-up of a permanent Diversity & Inclusion Council
- Women in Motion
- Aviadoras
- Professional Conduct & Anti-Harassment Policy by UPS
- Fair Winds
- Women in Transport talks (IRU)
- ERA Terms of reference
- AESA Mentoring Program
- Mantra
- Inspiring Girls in Engineering
- Code of Conduct for integration and non-discrimination in the workplace
- Parental Leave Management
- Cross Company Mentoring Program
- Code of Conduct against sexual harassment
- Global initiative KTCwomen@kapsch
- 'Women in Transport Talk' for the aviation sector in Germany
- 'Leading women in the transport sector' seminar
- Action Plan for Gender Balance at EMSA
- UITP policy on gender equality
- Alstom Women of Excellence networks
- Women in Cycling
- Uber’s commitment to become the most accessible platform for women drivers in Europe
- EVBox - Women’s Employee Resource Group (ERG) Pilot Mentoring Programme)
- Women@CFL: holistic and sector-specific approach in support of gender equality and gender diversity in Luxembourgish railways!
- Eurocontrol - Development of a toolkit for deploying DEI activities in aviation organisations, with a specific focus on ATM
- Ellas Vuelan Alto
Organisation | Project title | Description of the project | Impact/Benefits |
ERTICO - ITS Europe | ERTICO Innovation and Deployment activities including CEF and H2020 Projects | In the 14 EU co-funded projects managed or facilitated by ERTICO, the organisation ensures that all the... | Ensuring the involvement in research and deployment activities of women professionals, especially under... |
Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, FGC | Women, are you on board? | FGC produced a video named “Women, are you on board?” to recognise the importance of women’s... | From an internal point of view, the principal benefit of the video is that it shows that in all areas and levels of the... |
ÖBB - Austrian Federal Railways | Cross Mentoring Program | At the beginning of the year the ÖBB have implemented a cross-mentoring-programme in cooperation with... | Due to the program female employees of the three companies are given the possibility to network (or to foster... |
ÖBB - Austrian Federal Railways | Girls! Tech-Camp | In cooperation with IBM the Austrian Federal Railways are organizing a tech-camp (so called “Girls! Tech-Camp”) for... | Our goal is to stimulate young people's / girls interest in technical professions and show them the various career... |
Wiener Linien GmbH | Wiener Frauen Linien (internal female employee network supported by the executive board) | Regular events exclusively for our female employees with inspiring guest speakers and... | These regular events support building strong networks throughout the company and enhance the chances... |
Wiener Linien GmbH | Girls Day | Daughters (between 11 – 16 years) of employees have the opportunity to dive into the various technical fields and related jobs... | The intention is to motivate young girls choosing a technical job or starting a technical education. Wiener Linien offers... |
Wiener Linien GmbH | Technikerinnen Circle | This is a regular meeting of female employees working in e.g. the bus/tram/underground... | Bottom up approach to be vocal about growing opportunities and things to do better with the commitment from the management board and important internal stakeholders and decision makers to act on these topics. |
Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid (EMT) | Participation to the one-day seminar on "Women in transport – a step forward" | ATUC, the town and city public transport association, will hold a one-day seminar on 'Women in transport – a step forward', where the Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid will take part in two round tables: 'Sharing experiences' and 'Women's stories'. | A seminar focusing on the role of women in transport. Gender equality polices, sharing experiences and women telling their own stories... |
ALSA | The Employment Agency of Madrid and ALSA signed an agreement for the training of unemployed people | The Employment Agency of Madrid and the passenger transport company ALSA have signed a framework partnership agreement to deliver 3 training courses for 45 unemployed people of Madrid as drivers of buses and passenger cars.... | Some of the benefits included in this agreement are increasing employement rates in the least well represented departments, our rentless... |
Via Donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH | Vienna Girls' Day (Wiener Töchtertag) | Girls at the age 11 to 16 years have the opportunity to talk to female experts ... | The intention is to raise awareness among girls and young women regarding job opportunities within the technical sector, in particular ... |
Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid (EMT) | First Forum of the Madrid Chamber on "Co-responsibility and equality in the workplace" | On 1 June, the Madrid Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, together with the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality and Madrid City Council,... | The purpose of this initiative is to discuss co-responsibility and equality with institutions and companies who have a significant role to play... |
Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences. Transport Management Degree Programme | Girls' Day in the Transport Management Degree Programme | The girls' day seeks to inspire future university students in topics normally more men-oriented and show them the how wide the transport area is. We also show them... | It seeks to increase the number of potential female students so that they later join the transport sector as workers. ... |
ALSA | We want you to drive this bus | This campaign is part of the "Plan Equilibra" ("Balance Plan"), an ambitious programme. | Our objective is to raise awareness about professional drivers, as well as the prestige, significance and responsibility involved in driving a bus... |
EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) | EASA measures to promote gender equality | The EASA is commited as an equal opportunities employer, and has introduced a number of measures to address gender imbalance: ... | EASA believes that diversity brings a richer variety of perspectives, which fosters innovation, and improves ... |
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology | FEMtech Internships for Female Students | FEMtech Internships for Female Students – Entry into a Research Career... | Female students gain insight into application-oriented research and can gain first professional experience... |
Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology | FEMtech - women in research and technology | With the initiative FEMtech the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology supports women in research and... | By increasing the share of women and by improving their professional position in these facilities, FEMtech strives to render a contribution towards the increased... |
EMTUSA- Empresa Municipal Transportes Urbanos de Gijón | On-demand night bus stop for women | Making public transport safe for women. EMTUSA, Empresa Municipal de Transportes Urbanos Gijón, offers on-demand night bus stops on Friday and Saturday... | Improving the safety of women using urban public transport. |
International Transport Form OECD | Corporate Partnership Board Gender Initiative | To create a platform to discuss and share best practice on different aspects of women in transport. ... | The companies on our Corporate Partnership Board comprise nearly 3 million employees in ... |
International Transport Form OECD | Corporate Partnership Board Gender Workstream | The Corporate Partnership Board is the International Transport Forum’s platform for ... | Exchange of best practice amongst companies is key to understanding and overcoming the ... |
UBER France | Anti-discrimination campaign "Ni dehors, ni à bord" | In March 2021, Uber launched an anti-harassment campaign in France, called ... | This campaign is the latest in Uber’s global actions to eliminate all forms of discrimination and ... |
World Maritime Academy | free, self paced, online course - Advance Certificate in Maritime Business (MAREVA) | The Advance Certificate in maritime Business (MAREVA), is a significant step towards promoting the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by... | The Advanced Certificate in Maritime Business (MAREVA) is a transformative initiative designed to... |
Flemish Government - Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services | Project Olivia | Out of a workforce of 1,208 employees at the Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services, only 178 ... | Project Olivia wants to raise awareness amongst girls and adult women about education, jobs, and ... |
In this section you will find a presentation of the main benefits for a company to employ more women and a Toolkit that allows companies to check what kind of measures they can put in place to increase their gender balance with an indication of their cost whenever available.
The enclosed findings are based on case studies (from large and small, public and private companies from different transport sectors and located in different EU countries).
Case study: Business case to increase female employment in Transport